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The ITAR Technical Assistance Agreement: What You Need to Know

The International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is a regulatory framework that governs the import and export of defense-related goods and services. One of the key components of the ITAR is the technical assistance agreement (TAA), which allows for the transfer of technical data and services between U.S. companies and foreign partners.

What is a Technical Assistance Agreement?

A TAA is a legally binding agreement between a U.S. company and a foreign entity that outlines the terms and conditions of technical assistance related to defense articles and services. The agreement can cover everything from engineering services and design specifications to training and support.

The purpose of a TAA is to ensure that the transfer of technical data and services does not violate U.S. export control laws or compromise U.S. national security interests. The U.S. State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) is responsible for reviewing and approving all TAAs.

Why are TAAs Important?

TAAs are important because they allow U.S. companies to share their technical expertise and capabilities with foreign partners, which can help to build trust and strengthen international relationships. At the same time, TAAs help to ensure that U.S. national security interests are protected by controlling the transfer of sensitive technical data and services.

TAAs are particularly important for companies that are involved in the defense industry, as many defense-related technologies are subject to export controls under the ITAR. Without a TAA in place, U.S. companies risk violating U.S. export control laws if they share technical data or services with foreign partners.

How to Obtain a TAA

To obtain a TAA, a U.S. company must first identify a foreign partner and determine the scope of the technical assistance that will be provided. The company must then submit a request for a TAA to the DDTC, along with supporting documentation and a fee.

The DDTC will review the TAA request and may request additional information or clarifications. Once the TAA is approved, the U.S. company and foreign partner must sign the agreement and adhere to its terms and conditions.


The ITAR technical assistance agreement is an important tool for U.S. companies that are involved in the defense industry. TAAs allow U.S. companies to share their technical expertise and capabilities with foreign partners while ensuring that U.S. national security interests are protected.

If your company is involved in the defense industry and is considering entering into a TAA with a foreign partner, it is important to work with an experienced legal team that can guide you through the process and help you to comply with all relevant export control laws and regulations.